Cannabis and hemp are known for their health benefits and since they have been removed from our diet, we have seen an explosion of diseases such as cancer,…
The war on drugs has been an abject failure worldwide. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars have been wasted on “harm minimisation” policies that have failed to reduce demand or…
Treat personal use of cannabis by adults similar to alcohol – plain packaging, age restrictions on use, no advertising. The medical cannabis delivery system is a postcode lottery.…
Encourage farmers to cultivate hemp as a major renewable, sustainable agricultural resource that can feed people and value added industries will create jobs. Hemp will both complement and…
Hemp has some impressive environmental credentials. It grows faster than most weeds, negating the need for herbicides and it is fairly pest resistant. Two crops can be grown…
Legalising cannabis would remove it from the criminal justice system. Treating cannabis as a crime has resulted in human rights violations disproportionately affecting the most marginalised sectors of…